From small developments to mega ones, our team is capable of designing and executing projects requiring wet utilities and dry utilities for mix-use land developments. These include water, sewage, and stormwater drainage along with firefighting networks and MV/LV electrical networks.

Landscape &
hardscape scopes

From small developments to mega ones, our team is capable of designing and executing projects requiring wet utilities and dry utilities for mix-use land developments. These include water, sewage, and stormwater drainage along with firefighting networks and MV/LV electrical networks.


Removing, shifting, and compacting tons of rock and dirt is a specialty of UNIMAC. Every day we work with thousands of tons of earth material, manipulating and shaping landscapes and topographies into the roads, highways, and airports we use every day. UNIMAC’s range of earth moving equipment ranges 40 kg hand rollers up to our 110 tons Komatsu bulldozer D475.


Removing, shifting, and compacting tons of rock and dirt is a specialty of UNIMAC. Every day we work with thousands of tons of earth material, manipulating and shaping landscapes and topographies into the roads, highways, and airports we use every day. UNIMAC’s range of earth moving equipment ranges 40 kg hand rollers up to our 110 tons Komatsu bulldozer D475.


For any land development project, the proper water, sewage, and stormwater drainage networking must be designed, catering to its specific requirements. UNIMAC has the capabilities of recognizing and utilizing surrounding infrastructural works to connect to and implement an all-round successful wet utilities system regardless of capacity.