The world we live in is advancing to an inflexion point of enlightenment and awareness, allowing us to recognize the environmental impact construction has on the world. In full awareness of its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen, identifying the environmental problems as material issues, UNIMAC Environmental

Division will make every effort to ensure all our projects are executed with a sense of social responsibility and in an eco-friendly manner. While the reality of a world filled with industrial and construction equipment remains, we can always try to counter any undesirable effects on the environment and even enhance it.


Supervision of General Construction Works

Pre post – construction disturbance assessments and Project management methodology and execution

Rehabilitation and Renovation of Sites

The process of overseeing a rehabilitation project includes several stages and processes.

Project Environmental and Sustainability Management, aligning with the requirements of ISO14001-2015.

Environmental and Sustainability Reporting to continuously foster and promote a culture of sustainability that strives for economic prosperity, environmental benefit and social value.


Water Analysis

Physical and Aesthetic parameters, Physiochemical analysis and Biological Toxicity analysis.

Sediment Analysis

Sediment analysis is primarily based on the identification of heavy minerals and clay minerals.

Water dye tracing

Water tracer dye tests are performed in a variety of applications.


Water Analysis

Sediment Analysis

Physical and Aesthetic parameters, Physiochemical analysis and Biological Toxicity analysis.

Sediment analysis is primarily based on the identification of heavy minerals and clay minerals.

Water dye tracing

Water tracer dye tests are performed in a variety of applications.


Bioremediation Treatment

They serve as an ideal method for water treatment due to nontoxic, non-corrosive, and environmentally benign properties. Example: Algae Accumulation treatment

Technical and Sustainable Treatment

To complement the treatment of water and soil, technical treatment is used to ensure a sustainable solution on site.

Methods of Sampling and Evaluation

The selection of surface-water sampling and groundwater sampling is taken according to requirements.


Throughout all our processes and analyses, quality assurance and quality control are upheld strictly.

Project Impact Analysis

Reports with results will be provided along with recommendations of remedies of the site in question.


Enhance the overall experience and ambience of the site for all residents and visitors.


Throughout all our processes and analyses, quality assurance and quality control are upheld strictly.

Project Impact Analysis

Reports with results will be provided along with recommendations of remedies of the site in question.


Enhance the overall experience and ambience of the site for all residents and visitors.